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Corrosion and the Behavior of Materials Used to Protect Against It (COR101)

An Overview of Corrosion Basics

Corrosion is a ubiquitous natural process. Most of us, at some point in our everyday lives, become familiar with the effect that corrosion has on rusted steel parts. Corrosion has a huge economic impact. About a fifth of the world’s annual steel production simply goes towards replacing parts damaged by corrosion. Even though it may involve higher up-front cost, correct and efficient corrosion protection at source helps save money and resources in the long run. For fastening systems, it’s even more critical because safety is key. Failure due to corrosion may have dramatic consequences. The goal of this session is to raise your awareness of what corrosion is all about. We will review essential information on corrosion and the behavior of materials used to protect against it.

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