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Using ACI 318 Appendix D for anchor channel design

Posted by Tim Freudensteinover 8 years ago
Using ACI 318 Appendix D for anchor channel design

Can ACI 318 Appendix D provisions be used to design anchor reinforcement for anchor channels? Is there anything else that we need to consider in this regard?

*Posted on behalf of a Hilti customer.

ACI,ICC-ES,anchor channel

1 Reply
Posted by Zachary Goodwinover 8 years ago
Hilti Verified

Dear Customer,

well this is a good question. The provisions for supplementary and anchor reinforcement are consistent with the Anchor to Concrete Provisions of ACI.
For supplementary reinforcement, AC232 and ACI are exactly the same.
For anchor reinforcement (precludes concrete breakout in shear and/or tension), the provisions are consistent but there are some minor differences.
For concrete breakout in shear, see ESR-3520 section 4.12.5. Don't hesitate to contact us if there is anything else we can do for you.
