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Penetration through steel protection coatings

Posted by Thom Spearalmost 6 years ago
Penetration through steel protection coatings

If an HSS or pipe section has a hole which is too large to plug and coat over top, is that simply addressed with proper detailing of the coatings, or can it become a significant issue with respect to fire protection?

Steel Protection,steel protection penetration

1 Reply
Posted by Ernst Toussaintalmost 6 years ago

Hello Thom, and thank you for utilizing ASK Hilti! If the hole is too large for a plug and cannot be sealed completely not to allow any passage of flame, then it may be an issue with respect to keeping the flames out of the cavity of the HSS member. Submit an Engineering Judgment my engineering team at along with photos, dimensions, AISC designated member sizes to see if a solution can be given coupling our our steel protection and fire protection engineers.