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HIT RE 500 V3 and HAS Rod Embedment

Posted by Nick Binghamover 5 years ago
HIT RE 500 V3 and HAS Rod Embedment

Upon installation into existing concrete, steel reinforcing was encountered at exactly the required embedment depth. The resulting installation would place the epoxy at the very end of the anchor into contact with the steel (instead of concrete). The special inspector on the job is questioning whether or not this has a significant effect on the strength of the anchor. I'm certain this is fine, but need back up to provide the special inspector. The anchor was designed with Hilti software and is loaded in shear only.

embedment depth,Epoxy

1 Reply
Posted by Lisa Barkandover 5 years ago


The published bond strength values for HIT-RE 500 v3 are based on testing done in an unreinforced concrete slab. If the adhesive is in contact with steel instead of concrete as per the test conditions, it is possible for the values to change. Since it has not been tested, the amount it would be affected is unknown. Typically in situations outside Hilti’s published testing values, on site evaluation is conducted. 

If you want to discuss further, you can call our Technical Services team at 877-749-6337. 
