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HIT-HY 70 edge distance for fully grouted CMU

Posted by Bover 6 years ago
HIT-HY 70 edge distance for fully grouted CMU

I am anchoring threaded rods into a CMU bond beam using HIT-HY 70. For this, there are various edge and spacing distance requirements and reduction factors associated with being between the minimum and critical distances per the design table for HIT-HY 70 adhesive bond shear loads for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in the face of grout-filled CMU walls (Section, Table 3 in the North American Product Technical Guide, Volume 2: Anchor Fastening Tecnhical Guide, Edition 16). My question is with regards to the edge distance requirements:

Are the minimum and critical edge distances measured from the point where the full grouting of my CMU ends (effectively would be the top of my bond beam, approx. 4"), or are these distances measured from the actual nearest wall edge (which would be beyond the end of my fully grouted CMU, a distance greater than the critical edge distance).

Edge distance,HIT-HY 70,Masonry

1 Reply
Posted by Bryan Johnsonover 6 years ago
Hilti Verified

B F,

Per the definition from 2017 Anchor Fastening Technical Guide (, the edge distance is referencing the distance from the center line of the anchor to the closest free edge of the base material. Based on this definition, the minimum edge distance will be the horizontal or vertical measurement to the end of the CMU base material. For a better visual representation of this, you can view Figure 2 in ESR-2682 ( for HIT-HY 70.

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