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Firestop 302: Special Inspection Of Firestop - Webinar for 7/19 @ 11.00

Posted by Ernestalmost 6 years ago
Firestop 302: Special Inspection Of Firestop - Webinar for 7/19 @ 11:00

How do I know if the registration for this webinar was accepted?

Didn't receive a confirmation email and URL for the webinar.


1 Reply
Posted by Tim Pricealmost 6 years ago
Hilti Verified

Hi Ernest,

On the pages where you can click "register for webinar", to the right you'll find a small list of things that need to be completed (2 items, login and complete your profile, which is adding in your name, address and number) before you can register for webinars going forward. Once both have green tick marks you are able to click "register for webinar" and that will send you an email and also make the button an other option through which you can join the webinar. Please let us know if you need any other help.
