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Anchor strength reduction / min. distances from joints in slabs on grade

Posted by JOHN FERRARIover 6 years ago
Anchor strength reduction / min. distances from joints in slabs on grade

We find that many installers are anchoring on or in very close proximity to control joints (saw cuts, groove / insert joint, construction joints) in slabs-on-grade. At times, based on the application, this is of concern.

I was recently advised that, based on independent tests performed, anchor pullout strength was essentially unaffected when expansion anchors were installed very close to (1”) or on a slab joint.

I am somewhat not surprised given that specific ICC-approved anchors are designed to perform in cracked concrete, however, I am curious as to what your thoughts and recommendations would be on this issue for the use of Hilti Kwik Bolt 3, Kwik Bolt TZ, Hwik HUS and HIT Z w/ HY200 anchors.  Does Hilti have an official position on minimum distances from joints (not edge distances) without compromising published anchor strength and performance?


minimum distance,slab joints

1 Reply
Posted by Bryan Johnsonover 6 years ago
Hilti Verified

Hi JF,

Typically, engineers consider control joints as an edge as a conservative approach. Ultimately, the final decision and design is at the discretion of the engineer on the project.


edge,joints,control joints