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Adjusting for Minimum Embed Length Available

Posted by  Antworteralmost 4 years ago
Adjusting for Minimum Embed Length Available

SS threaded adhesive anchors into heavily reinforced RC beam 40" wide. Group of four bolts per baseplate has 19" x 19" gage and then 10.5" edge distance. Shear per bolt is 10.4 kips. HEAVY reinforcing limits embedment to only 9". Compression-shear load only, no tension, no moment on plate. How do I work this in PROFIS? We have to submit a Hilti load certification.

Shear load,minimum embedment,threaded SS rod

1 Reply
Posted by PARIS STANTONalmost 4 years ago
Hilti Verified

Hi Antworter,

Hilti has several how-to videos to help users get started with the PROFIS Engineering Suite software. For additional information on the various design modules/methods, Hilti provides several on-demand Ask Hilti webinars on topics such as base plate design, anchoring to masonry, and anchoring to concrete-over-metal deck. For specific questions related to PROFIS Engineering, contact


profis engineering,how-to