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Use of Self drilling screws-

Posted by Aditya Potdarover 3 years ago
Use of Self drilling screws-

I am trying to use S-MD 12-24 for 2 metals having overall thickness 1) 0.5" and 2) 0.8".

For 1) - S-MD 12-24x1 1/4 HWH #5 says Max dril capacity as 0.5" but MT as 7/16" (less than 0.5") Can you clarify why the discrepancy (What's diff between MT and Max Drill Capacity) and if there would be any reduction in shear capacity than what's shown on tables.

For 2) - Can I use S-MD 12-24x2 HWH #5. If not what product can i use. There is 1/4" bolt but dint find shear capacities in the table.

self drilling screw,Shear and Tension screw strength

2 Replies
Posted by PARIS STANTONover 3 years ago
Hilti Verified

Hi Aditya,

Please refer to this answer from a previous question.


1 comment on this reply
Posted by Aditya Potdarover 3 years ago
Thanks, Do you have any guidance of 2nd question?

Posted by PARIS STANTONover 3 years ago


Per the attached table, the maximum total thickness for the S-MD 12-24x2 HWH #5 is 1-3/16", therefore, the given total thicknesses of 0.5" and 0.8" are below this maximum.
