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Hilti Anchors for Solid Brick Masonry

Posted by Zachary VanLemmerenabout 8 years ago
Hilti Anchors for Solid Brick Masonry

*Posted on behalf of a Hilti customer:

Which Hilti anchors have an ESR evaluation report for embedment in solid brick masonry?


1 Reply
Posted by Randyabout 8 years ago
Hilti Verified

Hey Customer,

well this is a good question. Masonry:
HIT-HY 200, ESR-3963
HIT-HY 70, ESR-2682
KWIK Bolt TZ, ESR-3785
KWIK Bolt 3, ESR-1385 I hope I have answered your question. If there is anything else, please let me know.

All the best