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Concrete break out for multiple anchor system with two diffrent loads

Posted by karma gurungover 4 years ago
Concrete break out for multiple anchor system with two diffrent loads

What is the best way to analyze the concrete break out for an anchor system that has 3 sets of anchors that are spaced 21 in apart and has two point load that are 18 in apart. The plate is not infinitely stiff so the force will not be distributed equally amongst all three set of anchors.

Multiple Load Combinations,Concrete breakout

1 Reply
Posted by PARIS STANTONover 4 years ago
Hilti Verified

Hi Karma,

To analyze concrete breakout for an anchor (based on strength design/LRFD), engineers typically utilize our PROFIS Engineering Suite design software or perform a hand calculation in accordance with ACI 318. Unfortunately, analyzing multiple loads is outside the scope of the software. Click here to access the software from Hilti’s website.

Hilti has several how-to videos to help users get started with the PROFIS Engineering Suite software. For additional information on the various design modules/methods, Hilti provides several on-demand Ask Hilti webinars on topics such as base plate design, anchoring to masonry, and anchoring to concrete-over-metal deck.