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Profis Does Not Match ESR 1546

Posted by Steve Palmrose16 days ago
Profis Does Not Match ESR 1546

I have generated a Profis report (attached) that does not match a had calculation in the follow ways:

  1. Profis uses hef = 3.937 inches and the ESR 1546 uses 3.94 inches.
  2. The ESR page 3 states that Pullout is not applicable and Profis performs a calculation.
  3. Profis states that Vsa = 6070 lb but the ESR uses 5013 lb. (page 5)
  4. The calculation for concrete edge failure on page 7 does not match the ca1, ca2, AVc, AVco, sigma Edv, sigma hV and Vb

Please explain why these are different. I can be contacted at 509-947-1589 or


Steve Palmrose

concrete,Post-installed Rebar Design,HDA-PR

1 Reply
Posted by Ashley Couron12 days ago
Hilti Verified

Hi Steve,

For further assistance, please email your ".pe" file to and we will be able to further investigate the report.


Profis engineering software

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